The Journey Continues

True Blue Lodge Celebrates 150 Years

by W. Bro. Michael Walmsley, True Blue Historian

Written on the occassion of our 150th anniversary, 2008.


The inspiration to write The Journey Continues comes on the first Friday of every month when I have the privilege of sitting as a member of True Blue Lodge #98. Beyond the wonderful physical history of the lodge building itself, it is the comradeship with the brethren during monthly meetings that makes True Blue excellent. This ongoing excellence must be preserved in word as well as in spirit so that future generations of True Blue brethren may encompass the rich history and may be enabled to become the best persons that they can possibly be. Indeed, the compilation of this part of True Blue's history has been a labour of brotherly love.

We are all indebted to the masterful ability of True Blue's distinguished line of Secretaries who have carefully penned the happenings that form the essence of this book. From VW Bro. William Dick to Bro. Daniel Sweet to W Bro. Thomas Carberry to W Bro. Ernie Lane to Bro. Fred Wegner to Bro. Ron Rescorl Sr., to Bro. Bobby Tibbitts, to Bro. William Smillie to Bro. John Burton to W Bro. Nicholas Brooksbank - thank you for your diligent efforts and your attention to detail!

A father and son duo must also receive recognition in the ultimate production of this historical piece. W. Bro. Jack Brooksbank's love for history and attention to detail outlives his mortal existence and speaks to those generations to come of what it means to be a Mason and live ones life in accordance with the Divine Precepts as per his well known phrase: "God bless." His son, W Bro. Nicholas Brooksbank certainly comes by his love for history as a natural extension of his father. Nicholas' behind-the-scenes search for historical fact and his dedication to those who made True Blue Lodge and Bolton realities have provided the author with tremendous support and myriad facts.

The essence of this entire book is really one continuous acknowledgement of the many, many brethren of True Blue whose efforts and accomplishments throughout the years make True Blue Lodge what it is today - EXCELLENT.

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